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President Basescu at the European Commission, 22 April 2010

Sunday 22 November 2009

Madagascar. Adoption of a child. A mother victim of a scam

One by one, mothers who saw their children disappear for intercountry adoption are speaking out. This time a mother from Madagascar, whose child is somewhere in Europe.

Yesterday I read the following statement:

Should original mothers on this planet ever stand up en masse and demand their children back, there will be a revolution the likes of which this planet has never seen.

Let's spread the word, let's give these mothers a voice

Madagascar. Adoption of a child. A mother victim of a scam

By signing papers without having read, Olivia Rakotoarison, the biological mother of Elisa has made the greatest mistake of her life. She wants to see her little girl.

Six years after the "abduction" of her daughter, Olivia Rakotoarison is tired and comes out of her silence. She gave birth January 28, 2003 to little Haja Elisa Andrea. Feeling the victim of a process she calls a plot, Olivia wants to reconnect a close relationship with her daughter and her adoptive parents.
"I confied, in 2003, my daughter to Madame Jacqueline, also called Mother, who was presented as being responsible for a rehabilitation center for children. We agreed that Eliza could stay at the centre, this after having signed an Act before a police officer. Now, I realized that I made a big mistake in signing papers I did not even know the content of, "says she.

For the record, starved and exhausted by a long march they had made, Olivia and her little girl stopped not far from home "Mother" in Ambohimiandra Mahazoarivo. Playing the good Samaritan, Madame Jacqueline supported them.
After a few exchanges the two women agreed that Elisa would be entrusted to Madame Jacqueline, a staff member of a rehabilitation center for children.
"At the police office, Mother asked me already if I wanted the adoption of my daughter by a foreign couple. I replied in the affirmative, provided they would allow me to stay in touch with my Elisa and especially with her adoptive parents, witnesses Olivia, while not remembering having given a precise answer on the subject.

A few days after concluding the agreement with a police officer, Ms. Jacqueline and Olivia went to the court. "I was asked about the reason for my decision to leave my child in a center, but there was no question of adoption. I remember, however, that a European couple was also in court, but their presence did not attract my attention. However, I confirm that I have not signed anything when we were in court, "Olivia insisted...

Full text in French on Abandon & Adoption

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