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President Basescu at the European Commission, 22 April 2010

Sunday 24 August 2008

The future of Cambodian adoptions

I am still somewhat puzzled by the French Peace Corps, young volunteers who will have as mission to find adoptable children for French families. The first targetted country is Cambodia.

Rereading the Colombani report of March this year, I noticed the following:

[translated from French]

In Cambodia, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has explained the
[French] mission early January 2008, that now several years after the war and, in a certain way, thanks to the massive aid from international NGOs, but also because of an economic development in the order of + 10% per year, the number of truly orphaned and adoptable children decreased, and the time would come quickly where Cambodia "will keep its children as future members of a community that will have developed and where they all have their place.

Original text:

Au Cambodge, le secrétaire d’État aux Affaires étrangères a expliqué à la
mission, début janvier 2008, que plusieurs années désormais après la guerre et,
d’une certaine manière, grâce à l’aide massive des ONG internationales, mais aussi
du fait d’un développement économique de l’ordre de + 10 % par an, le nombre
d’enfants réellement orphelins et adoptables diminuait ; et le temps viendrait
rapidement où le Cambodge « gardera ses enfants comme membres futurs d’une
collectivité qui se sera développée et où ils auront toute leur place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

- 9-17 December 2006.
EFA Mission in Cambodia.

With a reopening of adoptions in Cambodia for french nationals after a closure of three years, wanted by France, Enfance et Familles d’Adoption felt appropriate to undertake a mission in the country to assess how many children could be waiting for family and under what conditions the procedures could take place.

Below, the conclusions of the mission responsible.

The current situation is not conducive to adoption by the French:
1. There is no or very little, adoptable children in orphanages and in any event, children rather large male;
2. For these children, it is essential to find families, if other countries involved in international adoptions do not, especially by their OAA (organismes agréés pour l'adoption);
3. Everything seems to indicate that international adoption involves an increase in babies arriving in orphanages;
4. In a few orphanages, the presence of babies in good health, without a past known and reported as adoptable should raise questions among those who consider becoming parents;
5. The adoption procedure is not clearly framed and has in the past, led to abuses individual seriously detrimental to the image of
adoption, including the adoption by the French;
6. Procedures few and supervised by the French Agency for Adoption or by OAA should enable some children who really need to find a family.

Marie-Claude Arnauld & Sophie Le Callennec for EFA.

- Training of volunteers for international adoption.

They will receive additional training provided by a "committee of experts ": Janice Peyré and Helena Mahéo, respectively presidents of the Federation of Enfance et Familles d’Adoption and the Movement for Adoption Without Borders "Mouvement pour l’Adoption Sans Frontières".

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